L'Independency Project crede che dobbiamo liberarci dalla dipendenza assoluta che abbiamo, tanto le persone individuali come le (non sempre così) piccole organizzazioni, della manciata di multinazionali, concentrati solo sul risultato e ossessionati con il profitto, che negli ultimi decenni sono arrivati a determinare la vita di tutti in tutto il mondo, mentre, per inciso, distrugge del tutto la natura e l'ambiente.
Questa elite finanziaria e commerciale onnicomprensiva è il culmine di un Vecchio Ordine Mondiale (VOM), che sostiene, in un modo corrotto, un meccanismo globale, basato sulla dominazione totale, una distribuzione ineguale della ricchezza e sullo sfruttamento delle risorse, sia naturale e umano, solo per proprio vantaggio.
Seguendo il pensiero di "Be the change you want to see in the world" il progetto cerca di attivamente investigare le posibilità per arrivare a una situazione, dove un grado conciderabile di Indipendenza dai attuali righelli dominanti, possa sviluparsi verso una opzione reale e VOM eroda gradualmente finche farse obsoleto.
Non è per caso che questo coincidesse con una reduzzione drastica del la riquezza e il potere eccesivo di questa elite corrotta, per essere distribuito di forma più uniformemente, mentre, a la volta si lavora per ricuperare la deteriorata natura e l'ambiente.
L'Indipendenency Project crede que la priorità globale sia: la abollizione totale del Segreto Bancario & i Paradisi Fiscali per erradicare la Corruzione a grande scala (istituzionale, corporativo, criminale).
Banks and other financial institutions
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To be somewhat pragmatic...
Before we can even start to think of evolving towards this next level of humanity, in the collective sense, holistic, the 'we are one', we first have to *break free* from the chains of the ruling elites (the 1%) that bind us and through which they control the actions and even thoughts of many people (most even without being even aware).
Basically the chains are money and the economic system, more specifically: the CORRUPT money and economic system, that lead to war, crime, violation of human rights and destruction of nature and environment.
That CORRUPT system is sustained by the existence of TAX HAVENS (25 - 30% of world capital/resources are hidden there). First we have to BRING DOWN the TAX HAVENS to eliminate the "secret" source of power of the dominating elite and reduce their influence on mind and matter, before the whole (majority) of humanity can really be and feel free to evolve to that next stage.
The real awakening will start to emerge once global awareness and the public opinion become convinced and strong enough to turn over that hidden, secondary, corrupt financial system. If not, "they" will maintain enough power to keep manipulating the minds of the masses, as they have been doing for centuries.
What the world (public opinion, governments, corporations) needs now, is to hear this ONE united and constant demand, that should sound as ONE sole voice without ceasing until TAX HAVENS have totally and definitely disappeared indeed.
And this can *EASILY* be achieved if only **ALL** NGOs (greenpeace, WWF, HRW; Amnesty Int. , Docters without Borders, etc) and Activism and Movements (YOU, Occupy; ATTAC, 15M, M5S, pirate parties, "slow", etc.) would just ALWAYS include the demand to END TAX HAVENS in all their communications, protests and manifestations, additional to their own particular demands.
Because all of the symptoms they (YOU) are fighting in a scattered way, are mere consequences of the ONE same disease (institutional and corporate corruption, sustained by tax havens). When you ALL start Including this one claim you would be addressing and attacking the WORLD'S MAIN PROBLEM in a united and a never ending way.
Just imagine each and every Protest, Demonstration, Action, Leaflet, Website, Blog... on earth constantly demanding the end of Tax Havens. That would be the start of the end of the dominating "Old World Order", crumbling down until making way for the real awakening!
I am just one small, individual world citizen and my impact is about zero. But since I'm convinced this is the way, I have been posting this view since some 2 years ago and will increasingly continue doing so until the existing collective movements of the world really start to UNITE for this one and only global priority and we all can reach INDEPENDENCY from the ruling elites.